
Priestess Ordination at RCG-I

Re-forming the ancient congregations of the Goddess includes training, acknowledging, and honoring women who have made a commitment to celebrate and serve the Goddess. Clergy within the Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess - International (RCG-I) are called Priestesses. All Priestesses of RCG-I are graduates of the Women’s Thealogical Institute who have been accepted as Candidates for Ordination. These Candidates experience a period of mentored study and have completed an Internship at the RCG-I Motherhouse prior to Ordination. Each Priestess has an area of specialization like healing, scholarship, teaching, mediation, tending the earth, creating sacred art, music, drama or dance and/or organizing for Goddess women. You can be part of the ordination of Priestesses at the annual Gathering of Priestesses and Goddess Women.

Revised 7/22